Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Role of Metacognition in Self Advocacy

Back in March my students prepared a "Self - Advocacy Pamphlet" to prepare for their transition to high school. You can see the older blog post here Creating Self - Advocacy Pamphlets .  Our class was later asked by the LDAO to create a short video about what exactly we did to create these pamphlets.
       It wasn't until my students and I made the video that I realized how important this activity was. After sitting down and talking candidly to my students about the challenges they are faced due to a learning disability, my students became far more self aware. Although we cannot see what is going on our students' heads, we can have conversations about what the students are thinking and why they are thinking it. 
      After the students were more aware of exactly how their learning disabilities affect their learning, they are able to precisely explain how their LD affects their learning. I think my students are better prepared for their transition to high school because they are getting to be more and more self aware.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that I use to help me learn is my technology. when my teacher gives me a task to do i automatically go to my iPad and then go to the assignment, research, and then do the assignment.
